DONE Deliveries sp. z o.o.
małopolskie / Kraków
Your responsibilities Actively acquiring new Customers including telephone surveys, Developing a customer base with real transport needs, Working to company standards using the companys own CRM system according to an established process, Effective work on transport...
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Premium Pro Group Sp. z o.o.
małopolskie / Kraków
Firma z branży chemii przemysłowej poszukuje handlowców. Praca tylko stacjonarna w biurze w Warszawie lub Krakowie Jeśli: jesteś otwarty na rozmowy telefoniczne na różne tematy, lubisz ludzi i kontakt z nimi, jesteś osoba wesoła i łatwo nawiązujesz...
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DONE Deliveries sp. z o.o.
małopolskie / Kraków
Your responsibilities Actively acquiring new Customers including telephone surveys, Developing a customer base with real transport needs, Working to company standards using the companys own CRM system according to an established process, Effective work on transport...
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